Sunday, 8 December 2013

Wet shame

Over 200 million of the world population is suffering from incontinence; involuntary leakage of urine or feacal material . Majority don't know about this, not because they don't care, but because we don't talk about it.
Urinary incontinence
Whether you pee on your body before getting to the toilet or you pee involuntarily when you are asleep, you are urinary incontinent.....See your doctor. Early visitation will save you some DOLLARS.
You might also be suffering from this condition,  if you pee on your body as a result of urge to pee.....If you notice any of these symptoms.....See your doctor. Early visitation will save you your quality of life.
The worst scenario is when you pee on your body because you smiled, laugh, or lift  some flowers to be planted in your garden....a condition known as STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE... .....See your doctor. Early visitation might save you your job.
Urinary incontinence might not be a chronic disease, it kills  self esteem..imagine and think about peeing in your pants involuntarily anytime, anyplace, anywhere, even when you are on the stage waiting to be presented with an OSCAR award. Urinary incontinence have huge economic burden,  diminishes quality of life, causes social isolation, low self esteem, shame, unemployment, depression and suicide.  .....If you notice any of the symptoms stated earlier.....See your doctor.
Incontinence can be treated.. .....See your doctor. Early visitation will save you your quality of life.
Incontinence is not a communicable disease.. to your doctor. Early visitation will save you some DOLLARS.
Incontinence may not get you another job.....See your doctor. Early visitation might save you from losing your present job.  


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