Monday, 15 September 2014

The American College of Surgeons , International Guest Scholarships, USA

Introduction: The American College of Surgeons offers International Guest Scholarships to young surgeons from countries other than the United States or Canada who have demonstrated strong interests in teaching and research.

Value :

      Eligibility requirements are as follows:
      • Applicants must be graduates of schools of medicine.
      • Applicants must be at least 35 years old, but under 45, on the date that the completed application is filed.
      • Applicants must submit their applications from their intended permanent location. Applications will be accepted for processing only when the applicants have been in surgical practice, teaching, or research for a minimum of one year at their intended permanent location, following completion of all formal training (including fellowships and scholarships).
      • Applicants must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and/or research in accordance with the standards of the applicant’s country.
      • Early careerists are deemed more suitable than those who are serving in senior academic appointments.
      • Applicants must submit a fully completed application form provided by the College on its website. The application and accompanying materials must be typewritten and in English. Submission of a curriculum vitae only is not acceptable.
      • Applicants must provide a list of all of their publications and must submit, in addition, three complete publications (reprints or manuscripts) of their choice from that list.
      • Preference may be given to applicants who have not already experienced training or surgical fellowships in North America.
      • Applicants must submit independently prepared letters of recommendation from three of their colleagues. One letter must be from the chair of the department in which they hold academic appointment or a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons residing in their country. The chair’s or the Fellow’s letter is to include a specific statement detailing the nature and extent of the teaching and other academic involvement of the applicant. Letters of recommendation should be submitted by the person making the recommendation.
      • The application form is structured to assist the Scholarship Selection Subcommittee and assists the applicant in submitting a structured curriculum vitae. Additional information (a maximum of four pages) may be attached if desired.
      • The International Guest Scholarships must be used in the year for which they are designated. They cannot be postponed.
      • Applicants who are awarded scholarships are expected to provide a full written report of the experiences provided through the scholarships upon completion of their tours.
      • An unsuccessful applicant may reapply only twice and only by completing and submitting a current application form provided by the College, together with new supporting documentation.

        July 1, 2015

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