Friday, 27 September 2013


Your IDENTITY is what you love to do, the PROBLEM you love to solve  is your LABEL.

You are to take ADVANTAGE of your POTENTIAL .

IT  is not to take advantage of you.

Whatever you APPRECIATE, get ATTRACTED to you.

If you solve PROBLEMS people cannot solve themselves,

they will DEFINITELY pay you what you cannot pay yourself.
For every ACTION, there is an equal and opposite REACTION  (NEWTON THIRD LAW OF MOTION)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Brain decay!

Don't brush regularly and you will get tooth decay.

                                           Don't pray regularly and you will get truth decay

                                                                                  Don't think regularly and you will get brain decay.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Do not stop

An object either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force: Newton first law of motion.
The WORD I write is an external force that encourages you to MOVE and keep moving, GROW and keep growing, INCREASE and keep increasing, ACQUIRE and keep not stop.
If you can fly, please do.
If you can't fly, run.
If you can't run, walk.
If you can't walk, crawl...Martin Luther King Jr.
Just keep moving.
Keep equipping yourself for the next challenge: preparation.
If you stop moving, you might lose your opportunity.
Success is an opportunity prepared for.
The only thing that is constant in life is change...

Friday, 20 September 2013

A MAN make history !

Do not be ANXIOUS about anything; anxiety waste time.
If YOU know where you are going, PEOPLE will step aside for you.
A MAN make history, the CROWD does not.

You have no limit


You need your own story.
You need  your own inspiring story.
You have no limit.
Make your choice wisely.
Everybody have an opportunity.


Thursday, 19 September 2013


The wise builds his house on a solid foundation.
When the rain falls, the streams rises, and the winds blows ; the house will stand....Foresight and planning

plus dilligence

Vision cloths you like a shelter; planning makes your dreams to come true. Where there is no vision, there is no achievement.

Vision cloths you like a shelter.

When you see what no man has seen, it is vision. Vision cloths you like a shelter; planning makes your dreams to come true. Where there is no vision, there is no achievement. You do not stumble on success, you earn it.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


If we  intend to be an achiever or a man of success, we need to look into the windscreen and not the rear mirror.


Life is about choices, whatever we embrace is our choice.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

We are like aliens.

We are like aliens passing through; whatever we contribute is a template for the next discovery in the coming generation.


Everything is poisonous if taking at poisonous dose. Only healthy dose is good for the body.
Everything is poisonous; what goes out kills faster than what comes in.


Thursday, 12 September 2013

The easiest way to see far

The easiest way to see far is by standing on the shoulder of the tallest; learning from those who have walk through the path...MENTORING.

Opportunities does not comes with TAGS.

Strongerscience: Opportunity

Strongerscience: Opportunity: OPPORTUNITIES does not comes with TAGs, they comes as CHALLENGE. If you can solve the PROBLEM, you have just make good use of your OPPORTUNI...


OPPORTUNITIES does not comes with TAGs, they comes as CHALLENGE. If you can solve the PROBLEM, you have just make good use of your OPPORTUNITY.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Folasire Oladayo: SCIENCES HAVE ACTUALLY MADE ME STRONGER.:  I know my intelligence could not have bring me this far. The world is so complex and well-designed that it couldn't possibly have happe...


 I know my intelligence could not have bring me this far. The world is so complex and well-designed that it couldn't possibly have happened by chance. It had to have had a Designer – a concrete evidence of GOD existence.
I have also come to know how small we are, and how little we know (or will ever know). Pride is what keeps scientist from God -- and it can be hard for a highly-educated person to be humble and admit they need God.
If God is leading you into science, make it your goal to glorify Him through your studies -- and through your life. Walk with Him every day by studying His Word, the Bible, and through prayer and fellowship with other believers. Never forget: In Christ "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). Likewise, your knowledge of GOD will make you the best in all your endeavours (Isaiah 45:3). Modified from Billy Graham.

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